


pnpm 支援豐富多元的選取器語法,可使用名稱或關係選取套件。

Selectors may be specified via the --filter (or -F) flag:

pnpm --filter <package_selector> <command>


--filter &lt;package_name>

To select an exact package, just specify its name (@scope/pkg) or use a pattern to select a set of packages (@scope/*).


pnpm --篩選 "@babel/core" 測試
pnpm --篩選 "@babel/*" 測試
pnpm --篩選 "*core" 測試

Specifying the scope of the package is optional, so --filter=core will pick @babel/core if core is not found. However, if the workspace has multiple packages with the same name (for instance, @babel/core and @types/core), then filtering without scope will pick nothing.

--filter &lt;package_name>...

To select a package and its dependencies (direct and non-direct), suffix the package name with an ellipsis: <package_name>.... For instance, the next command will run tests of foo and all of its dependencies:

pnpm --filter foo... test


pnpm --filter "@babel/preset-*..." test

--filter &lt;package_name>^...

若要僅選取封裝的相依項 (直接和非直接), 請以前述的省略符號搭配>形箭號作為名稱尾碼。 For instance, the next command will run tests for all of foo's dependencies:

pnpm --filter "foo^..." test

--filter ...&lt;package_name>

To select a package and its dependent packages (direct and non-direct), prefix the package name with an ellipsis: ...<package_name>. For instance, this will run the tests of foo and all packages dependent on it:

pnpm --filter ...foo test

--filter "...^&lt;package_name>"

若要僅選擇封裝的相依項 (直接和非直接),請以省略符號之後跟隨>形箭號 作為封裝名稱首碼。 For instance, this will run tests for all packages dependent on foo:

pnpm --filter "...^foo" test

--filter ./<glob>, --filter {<glob>}

相對於當前工作目錄相符專案的 Glob 模式。

pnpm --filter "./packages/**" <cmd>


也可以與省略符號和>形符號運算子一起使用,以選取 依存項/相依項:

pnpm --filter ...{<directory>} <cmd>
pnpm --filter {<directory>}... <cmd>
pnpm --filter ...{<directory>}... <cmd>

It may also be combined with [<since>]. 例如,要選取目錄中所有已變更的 專案:

pnpm --filter "{packages/**}[origin/master]" <cmd>
pnpm --filter "...{packages/**}[origin/master]" <cmd>
pnpm --filter "{packages/**}[origin/master]..." <cmd>
pnpm --filter "...{packages/**}[origin/master]..." <cmd>

或者,您可以從名稱與給定 模式相符的目錄中選取所有封裝:

pnpm --filter "@babel/*{components/**}" <cmd>
pnpm --filter "@babel/*{components/**}[origin/master]" <cmd>
pnpm --filter "...@babel/*{components/**}[origin/master]" <cmd>

--filter "[&lt;since>]"

選取自指定認可/分支變更的所有封裝。 May be suffixed or prefixed with ... to include dependencies/dependents.

For example, the next command will run tests in all changed packages since master and on any dependent packages:

pnpm --filter "...[origin/master]" test


Use this flag if you want the CLI to fail if no packages have matched the filters.


任何篩選器規則都可以執行排除操作,只需在前綴加上 "!"。 In zsh (and possibly other shells), "!" should be escaped: \!.

For instance, this will run a command in all projects except for foo:

pnpm --filter=!foo <cmd>

And this will run a command in all projects that are not under the lib directory:

pnpm --filter=!./lib <cmd>


當套件被篩選後,所有的套件都會匹配至少一個篩選器。 您可以同時使用多個篩選器:

pnpm --filter ...foo --filter bar --filter baz... test

--filter-prod &lt;filtering_pattern>

Acts the same a --filter but omits devDependencies when selecting dependency projects from the workspace.

--test-pattern &lt;glob>

test-pattern allows detecting whether the modified files are related to tests. 如果是,此被修改套件的被依賴套件將不會被包含在內。

此選項對 "changed since" 篩選器很有用。 例如,下方指令將在所有變更中的套件執行測試,若變更在套件的原始碼當中,測試也經在其被依賴的套件中執行:

pnpm --filter="...[origin/master]" --test-pattern="test/*" test

--changed-files-ignore-pattern &lt;glob>

允許在篩選自指定的提交/分支變更的專案中,通過 glob 樣本需略變更的檔案。


pnpm --filter="...[origin/master]" --changed-files-ignore-pattern="**/README.md" run build