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pnpm why

Показывает все пакеты, зависящие от указанного пакета.


If the Dependencies Tree has more than 10 results (end leaves), the output will be truncated to 10 end leaves.

This makes the output more readable and avoids memory issues.


--recursive, -r

Show the dependency tree for the specified package on every package in subdirectories or on every workspace package when executed inside a workspace.


Show information in JSON format.


Show verbose output.


Show parseable output instead of tree view.

--global, -g

Показывать глобальные зависимости, вместо локально установленных в текущем проекте.

--prod, -P

Only display the dependency tree for packages in dependencies.

--dev, -D

Only display the dependency tree for packages in devDependencies.

--depth <число>

Display only dependencies within a specific depth.


Display only dependencies that are also projects within the workspace.


Exclude peer dependencies from the results (but dependencies of peer dependencies are not ignored).

--filter <селектор пакета>

Подробнее о фильтрации.