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pnpm run

Alias: run-script

Esegue uno script definito nel file manifesto del pacchetto.


Supponiamo che tu abbia uno script watch configurato nel tuo package.json, in questo modo:

"scripts": {
"watch": "webpack --watch"

Ora puoi eseguire questo script usando pnpm run watch! Semplice, vero? Un'altra cosa da notare per coloro a cui piace risparmiare sequenze di tasti e tempo è che tutti gli script vengono resi alias come comandi pnpm, quindi alla fine pnpm watch è solo abbreviazione per pnpm run watch (SOLO per gli script che non condividono lo stesso nome dei comandi pnpm già esistenti).

Running multiple scripts

You may run multiple scripts at the same time by using a regex instead of the script name.

pnpm run "/<regex>/"

Run all scripts that start with watch::

pnpm run "/^watch:.*/"


In addition to the shell’s pre-existing PATH, pnpm run includes node_modules/.bin in the PATH provided to scripts. This means that so long as you have a package installed, you can use it in a script like a regular command. For example, if you have eslint installed, you can write up a script like so:

"lint": "eslint src --fix"

And even though eslint is not installed globally in your shell, it will run.

For workspaces, <workspace root>/node_modules/.bin is also added to the PATH, so if a tool is installed in the workspace root, it may be called in any workspace package's scripts.


There are some environment variables that pnpm automatically creates for the executed scripts. These environment variables may be used to get contextual information about the running process.

These are the environment variables created by pnpm:

  • npm_command - contains the name of the executed command. If the executed command is pnpm run, then the value of this variable will be "run-script".


Any options for the run command should be listed before the script's name. Options listed after the script's name are passed to the executed script.

All these will run pnpm CLI with the --silent option:

pnpm run --silent watch
pnpm --silent run watch
pnpm --silent watch

Any arguments after the command's name are added to the executed script. So if watch runs webpack --watch, then this command:

pnpm run watch --no-color

will run:

webpack --watch --no-color

--recursive, -r

This runs an arbitrary command from each package's "scripts" object. If a package doesn't have the command, it is skipped. If none of the packages have the command, the command fails.


You can use the --if-present flag to avoid exiting with a non-zero exit code when the script is undefined. This lets you run potentially undefined scripts without breaking the execution chain.


Ignora completamente la convaluta e l'ordinamento topologico, eseguendo un dato script immediatamente in tutti i pacchetti corrispondenti con output di streaming prefissato. Questo è il flag preferito per i processi a lungo termine su molti pacchetti, per esempio, un lungo processo di compilazione.


Stream output from child processes immediately, prefixed with the originating package directory. This allows output from different packages to be interleaved.


Aggregate output from child processes that are run in parallel, and only print output when the child process is finished. It makes reading large logs after running pnpm -r <command> with --parallel or with --workspace-concurrency=<number> much easier (especially on CI). Only --reporter=append-only is supported.

--resume-from <nome_pacchetto>

Riprende l'esecuzione da un determinato progetto. Questo può essere utile se si sta lavorando con un grande workspace e si desidera riavviare la build di un determinato progetto senza eseguire la build di tutti i progetti che lo precedono.


Record the result of the scripts executions into a pnpm-exec-summary.json file.

An example of a pnpm-exec-summary.json file:

"executionStatus": {
"/Users/zoltan/src/pnpm/pnpm/cli/command": {
"status": "passed",
"duration": 1861.143042
"/Users/zoltan/src/pnpm/pnpm/cli/common-cli-options-help": {
"status": "passed",
"duration": 1865.914958

Possible values of status are: 'passed', 'queued', 'running'.


Hide workspace prefix from output from child processes that are run in parallel, and only print the raw output. This can be useful if you are running on CI and the output must be in a specific format without any prefixes (e.g. GitHub Actions annotations). Only --reporter=append-only is supported.

--filter <selettore_pacchetto>

Ulteriori informazioni sui filtri.

.npmrc settings


  • Predefinito: true
  • Tipo: Booleano

When true, pnpm will run any pre/post scripts automatically. So running pnpm foo will be like running pnpm prefoo && pnpm foo && pnpm postfoo.


  • Default: null
  • Tipo: percorso

The shell to use for scripts run with the pnpm run command.

For instance, to force usage of Git Bash on Windows:

pnpm config set script-shell "C:\\Program Files\\git\\bin\\bash.exe"


  • Predefinito: false
  • Tipo: Booleano

When true, pnpm will use a JavaScript implementation of a bash-like shell to execute scripts.

This option simplifies cross-platform scripting. For instance, by default, the next script will fail on non-POSIX-compliant systems:

"scripts": {
"test": "NODE_ENV=test node test.js"

But if the shell-emulator setting is set to true, it will work on all platforms.