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Versi: 9.x

pnpm exec

Menjalankan perintah shell didalam lingkup sebuah proyek.

node_modules/.bin is added to the PATH, so pnpm exec allows executing commands of dependencies.


If you have Jest as a dependency of your project, there is no need to install Jest globally, just run it with pnpm exec:

pnpm exec jest

The exec part is actually optional when the command is not in conflict with a builtin pnpm command, so you may also just run:

pnpm jest


Any options for the exec command should be listed before the exec keyword. Options listed after the exec keyword are passed to the executed command.

Penulisan yang benar. pnpm akan berjalan secara rekursif:

pnpm -r exec jest

Bad, pnpm will not run recursively but jest will be executed with the -r option:

pnpm exec jest -r

--recursive, -r

Mengeksekusi perintah shell pada setiap proyek di dalam workspace.

The name of the current package is available through the environment variable PNPM_PACKAGE_NAME.


Prune node_modules installations for all packages:

pnpm -r exec rm -rf node_modules

Lihat informasi semua package. This should be used with the --shell-mode (or -c) option for the environment variable to work.

pnpm -rc exec pnpm view \$PNPM_PACKAGE_NAME


Do not hide prefix when running commands in parallel.

--resume-from <package_name>

Melanjutkan eksekusi dari proyek tertentu. Ini bisa berguna jika Anda bekerja dengan ruang kerja yang besar dan ingin memulai ulang build di proyek tertentu tanpa menjalankan semua proyek yang mendahuluinya dalam urutan build.


Completely disregard concurrency and topological sorting, running a given script immediately in all matching packages. This is the preferred flag for long-running processes over many packages, for instance, a lengthy build process.

--shell-mode, -c

Menjalankan perintah di dalam shell. Uses /bin/sh on UNIX and \cmd.exe on Windows.


Read about this option in the run command docs

--filter <package_selector>

Read more about filtering.