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Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Por qué mi node_modules usa espacio en disco si los paquetes se almacenan en una tienda global?

pnpm crea enlaces duros desde el almacén global a las carpetas node_modules. Los enlaces duros apuntan al mismo lugar en el disco donde se encuentran los archivos originales. Entonces, por ejemplo, si tiene foo en su proyecto como una dependencia y ocupa 1 Mb de espacio, entonces parecerá que ocupa 1 Mb de espacio en node_modules del proyecto y la misma cantidad de espacio en el almacén global. Sin embargo, ese 1 Mb es el mismo espacio en el disco direccionado desde dos ubicaciones diferentes. Entonces, en total, foo ocupa 1 Mb, no 2 Mb.

Para más sobre este tema:

¿Funciona en Windows?

Respuesta corta: Sí. Respuesta larga: el uso de enlaces simbólicos en Windows es problemático, por decir lo menos, sin embargo, pnpm tiene una solución. Para Windows, usamos junctions en su lugar.

¿Pero el anidado de node_modules es incompatible con Windows?

Las primeras versiones de npm tenían problemas debido al anidamiento de todos los directorios node_modules (consulte [este issue](https://github. com/nodejs/node-v0. x-archive/issues/6960)). Sin embargo, pnpm no crea carpetas profundas, almacena todos los paquetes de forma plana y usa enlaces simbólicos para crear la estructura de árbol de dependencia.

¿Qué pasa con los enlaces simbólicos circulares?

Aunque pnpm utiliza enlaces para poner dependencias en carpetas node_modules, se evita el uso enlaces simbólicos circulares porque los paquetes principales se colocan en el mismo node_modules en el que están sus dependencias. Así que las dependencias de foo no están en foo/node_modules, sino que foo está en node_modules junto con sus propias dependencias.

¿Por qué tener enlaces duros en absoluto? ¿Por qué no enlazar directamente con el almacén global?

Un paquete puede tener diferentes conjuntos de dependencias en una máquina.

In project A foo@1.0.0 can have a dependency resolved to bar@1.0.0, but in project B the same dependency of foo might resolve to bar@1.1.0; so, pnpm hard links foo@1.0.0 to every project where it is used, in order to create different sets of dependencies for it.

Direct symlinking to the global store would work with Node's --preserve-symlinks flag, however, that approach comes with a plethora of its own issues, so we decided to stick with hard links. For more details about why this decision was made, see this issue.

Does pnpm work across different subvolumes in one Btrfs partition?

While Btrfs does not allow cross-device hardlinks between different subvolumes in a single partition, it does permit reflinks. As a result, pnpm utilizes reflinks to share data between these subvolumes.

Does pnpm work across multiple drives or filesystems?

The package store should be on the same drive and filesystem as installations, otherwise packages will be copied, not linked. This is due to a limitation in how hard linking works, in that a file on one filesystem cannot address a location in another. See Issue #712 for more details.

pnpm functions differently in the 2 cases below:

Store path is specified

If the store path is specified via the store config, then copying occurs between the store and any projects that are on a different disk.

If you run pnpm install on disk A, then the pnpm store must be on disk A. If the pnpm store is located on disk B, then all required packages will be directly copied to the project location instead of being linked. This severely inhibits the storage and performance benefits of pnpm.

Store path is NOT specified

If the store path is not set, then multiple stores are created (one per drive or filesystem).

If installation is run on disk A, the store will be created on A .pnpm-store under the filesystem root. If later the installation is run on disk B, an independent store will be created on B at .pnpm-store. The projects would still maintain the benefits of pnpm, but each drive may have redundant packages.

What does pnpm stand for?

pnpm stands for performant npm. @rstacruz came up with the name.

pnpm does not work with <YOUR-PROJECT-HERE>?

In most cases it means that one of the dependencies require packages not declared in package.json. It is a common mistake caused by flat node_modules. If this happens, this is an error in the dependency and the dependency should be fixed. That might take time though, so pnpm supports workarounds to make the buggy packages work.

Solución 1

In case there are issues, you can use the node-linker=hoisted setting. This creates a flat node_modules structure similar to the one created by npm.

Solución 2

In the following example, a dependency does not have the iterall module in its own list of deps.

The easiest solution to resolve missing dependencies of the buggy packages is to add iterall as a dependency to our project's package.json.

You can do so, by installing it via pnpm add iterall, and will be automatically added to your project's package.json.

  "dependencies": {
"iterall": "^1.2.2",

Solución 3

One of the solutions is to use hooks for adding the missing dependencies to the package's package.json.

An example was Webpack Dashboard which wasn't working with pnpm. It has since been resolved such that it works with pnpm now.

It used to throw an error:

Error: Cannot find module 'babel-traverse'
at /node_modules/inspectpack@2.2.3/node_modules/inspectpack/lib/actions/parse

The problem was that babel-traverse was used in inspectpack which was used by webpack-dashboard, but babel-traverse wasn't specified in inspectpack's package.json. It still worked with npm and yarn because they create flat node_modules.

The solution was to create a .pnpmfile.cjs with the following contents:

module.exports = {
hooks: {
readPackage: (pkg) => {
if ( === "inspectpack") {
pkg.dependencies['babel-traverse'] = '^6.26.0';
return pkg;

After creating a .pnpmfile.cjs, delete pnpm-lock.yaml only - there is no need to delete node_modules, as pnpm hooks only affect module resolution. Then, rebuild the dependencies & it should be working.